Brahmacharya (Celibacy) ~ Health Guide

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Brahmacharya (Celibacy)

Written by Mystic on Thursday, January 31, 2008

The orthodox Hindu school of thought portrays human life in four stages. Of these, the first is Brahmacharya. Can you explain what is Brahmacharya, and how scientific is it in the present day life?
At its very basic, the concept of Brahmacharya implicitly implies a complete non-indulgence in sexual thoughts, words and deeds. It is same as being celibate and observing sexual abstinence.

Why? Wouldn't you say sexual abstinence is advantageous to health?
Not at all. Otherwise, the sexual system would have matured at a much later age. Once a person achieves sexual maturity, it is only natural that sex should interest him. At that stage, its deliberate suppression would obviously not be healthy. The unquenched sex drive would simply lead to emotional instability and evoke increased sexual imagery. As a result, guilt, shame and serious psychological problems may occur. This, in turn, may lead to impairment of concentration, irritability, extreme nervousness and insomnia, and further worsen things.

Wouldn't you say semen is vital? Doesn't man become devitalised and age due to its dissipation?
Certainly not! If that were true, men who are incapable of performing sexually would have outlived those who live a fulsome conjugal life. But that's not true. In any case, in all normal men, the sperm manufacturing units just carry on at their job irrespective of what use their produce is put to.

How many sperms does a normal man produce in a day?
More than 200 million!

And what happens to these sperms in case a man is a strict celibate?
The body has its mechanisms to dispose its surplus. If sleep emissions are one way, resorption of the old sperms is another.

Won't you say that conservation of semen leads to longevity and athletic excellence?

Why was then the concept of Brahmacharya established in the first place?
To my mind, its usage may have been similar to the word celibate. Historically, celibate means only "unmarried"; its use to mean "abstaining from sexual intercourse" is a 20th-century development. Otherwise, if you were to review some of the great mythological characters in our history, they certainly did not lead a life of celibacy till 25.

How is the consistency of semen linked to sexual adequacy?
The consistency of semen is so very variable that nothing should be read into that. Several factors such as the period of abstinence, age and intensity of stimulation can change it each time even in a single individual.

Does a decline in quantity and changes in colour of semen indicate that virility is on the wane?

How old do you have to be to have an erection?
You are never too young or too old. Baby boys can have their first erection soon after birth, and men can remain sexually active well into old age.

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